ATM Site Modelling create and build 3D small sites and topography from scans and ordnance survey maps to show structures, buildings, access roads and footpaths, tracks, fences, water courses and ground works. Our small projects include business models for cafes, coffee shops or restaurant refurbishments. Interior and exterior rendered images help to create the concept and bring your ideas to life. Orthographic drawings show the layout in plan and elevations and get your design across in a professional manner.

River Embankment

Vale of Edale 3D valley model showing the new RBC site and works to the river embankment for the local houses, built from 2D ordnance survey and 3D site scans. The video shows the site scans in the Revit model, the finished 3D walkthrough and the model creation from the 2D ordnance survey and 3D site scan.

Tertiary Treatment

This site build and walkthrough video shows a concept model for the STW tertiary treatment to improve the quality of water discharged to the river. The whole site was modelled in Revit to show modifications to access roads and topography and to show locations of the rest of the plant on site.

Transmission Tower SEP

This video shows a transmission tower platform constructed on a concrete base slab and plinths. The steelwork structure, supports and decking are modelled from engineering drawings to show the actual structure size in the photographs. HV overhead power lines run down to the SEP and ground level at the transmission tower base. The model blocks can be added to 3D site topography with towers, substations and distribution networks for a complete 3D site build.

River Embankment Gallery

Images from the Vale of Edale 3D valley model showing the new RBC site and works to the river embankment for the local houses including rendered images with point cloud data.

The Pizza Place

A small project video of a pizza restaurant with interior and exterior rendered images lets you walk through the site model and gives you a full visualisation of the concept. The orthographic drawings show the restaurant plan, elevations and rendered images to get the design across in a professional manner.

The Pizza Place with Social Distancing

A small project video of a pizza restaurant with interior and exterior rendered images lets you walk through the concept model and gives you a full visualisation of the social distancing measures. The orthographic drawings show the restaurant plan, elevations and rendered images to get the design across in a professional manner.

The Pizza Place Gallery

Images from the model for a proposed restaurant bid to create a pizza restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating, bar stools and breakfast bars and the kitchen/storage space for the pizza action.

The Pizza Place Social Distancing Gallery

Images from the model for a proposed restaurant bid modified for social distancing to create a pizza restaurant with indoor and outdoor seating, bar stools and breakfast bars and the kitchen/storage space for the pizza action.

25 Church Street, Bollington, SK10 5QD
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